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Weekly Injection

Following a slow week, we're being hit with a near over abundance of solid records. In this edition we have tech-death legends, a Human...

Latest News

Cool things have been happening to this band recently...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Alex Ford who had the best zinger: "Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk...

Heavy Metal Real Estate

Does anybody have $4,329,800 dollars I can borrow?

Upcoming Releases

Wow, everything is happening so fast. Just a few days ago, Devil You Know announced their first US tour will be in support of...

Shocking Revelations

The last time we wrote about Christian metal act For Today, I discovered a blog post on frontman Mattie Montgomery's personal blog, which has...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Blackest are what you need to get you through this shitty weather.


We review the powerful new Lamb of God documentary.

Black Metal History

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round! The game is simple. Look at...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to a slow-ish, but very weird week of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. In this edition we have side-projects, amazing sludge and a band that...

Latest News

The whole thing was directed by Metalocalypse's Mark Brooks.

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to mmgoodnetal who had the best zinger: "Airline has takin my keys checking my flight Whats in...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

It's the best kind of being dead! Dead from awesome music!

Sick Art

So many all stars. So much Dio!

Black Metal History


Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...

Latest News

Skinny Puppy are no pushovers!

Latest News

If you are a tri-state RevoManiac then you're in luck. Revocation singer/guitarist Dave Davidson will be hosting a 7 -weekend song crafting masterclass in...

Black Metal History

Black Metal History Month means all black metal-related games!