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Search results for "recording"

Upcoming Releases

Remember Dragonforce? They were huge in Europe, then came to America, Guitar Hero came out, and they ex-plo-ded. Everybody was impressed with their guitar...

Upcoming Releases

"WHAT?! So the secret identity of Portal was Cynic all along?" Nah, it just so happens that the very American progressive rock band, Cynic,...


I did not even realize that Montreal death metal masters Beneath The Massacre were finished recording a new album, and it's release is right...

Quick Bits

This one just snuck up on me! While I knew Veil Of Maya were recording a new album, I'm truly surprised at the quick...

Bummer Alert

Well this is a crappy way to start the week. I woke up to see a status from Black Sabbath in my Facebook feed...


Ever since Killswitch Engage announced that vocalist Howard Jones is leaving the band, the internet has been abuzz with who might replace him. All...

Upcoming Releases

ISIS may be on permanent hiatus, but that doesn't mean they can't squeeze a few more releases out of their system. Drummer Aaron Harris...

Quick Bits

Things have been pretty quiet around here this week, and around metal in general. There was still some news that surfaced this week that...

Best of 2011

Every year, Rob asks me to contribute a year-end list to this fine establishment, and every year, I harsh everyone’s buzz by submitting the...


I have to hand it to Periphery drummer Matt Halpern, he's actually doing it. I've known about his project, BandHappy.com for quite a while....


We just got a furious email from the desk of Jersey guitar god, Thor Shredsteen, known for his series of behind the scenes videos...

Tour Dates

Well, since they're not recording a new album anyway, I guess TOOL might as well book some shows, and that's exactly what they did....

Bummer Alert

Well this is a bummer. We got really excited yesterday about TOOL entering the studio, thanks to a cryptic message in their newsletter? Well,...


Thanks to Axl from MetalSucks for the hot tip that Nachtmystium cannot go a year without releasing something. They decided to put a split...


Venom have been nothing but a constant and reassuring presence since they added a darkly sardonic and revolting twist to heavy metal in England...

Bummer Alert

In a rather unexpected divergence of ways, CARNAL FORGE bassist Lars Lindén declared that the band will be "taking a pause, and put on...

Latest News

My brah Axl Rosenberg schlepped all the way to Long Island City to chat with Joe and Mario Duplantier, the masterminds behind Gojira, in...

Latest News

Corey Taylor finally comes around! During a recent stop on his book tour, Taylor revealed first that Slipknot is planning a US tour next summer...

Upcoming Releases

Talk about a meeting of power players! Michael Keene, primarily known as the guitarist behind The Faceless, recently tweeted "Just finished recording a guest...

Upcoming Releases

You might know him as the crazy face melting axe man of Dysrhythmia and Gorguts, or perhaps you know of his killer ukulele playing. Today...

Upcoming Releases

That's right. Everybody's favorite gore-death metal band is coming back for another round of meat. Cannibal Corpse have completed work on a new album,...

Injection Reflection

What a week this has been for metal. We started the week with a diva fit from Danzig and ended with confirmation of the...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the above...