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Search results for "Aggressive"

Music Videos

The video involves smoke and a cake.

Music Videos

Takatak, progressive metal band from Lahore, Pakistan, is back with the fourth single from their new album Acrophase. This new single, like the rest...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include lots of prog, weirdness, noise, and more! To the metals...

Extreme of the Extreme

They come from the land of the ice and snow, tech death band Aepoch are finally returning with their new EP The Scryer. Two...

Metal Crimes

The protests in New York City aren't just on the streets, they are seemingly in the police radios. The last few days, as police...

Undergound Buzz

Welcome to another roundup of Underground Buzz, where we spotlight some killer smaller bands. Want to be covered on this section? Reach out with...

New Music

Onslaught are back with a brand new song and a new album coming out, and old school thrash fans will be happy to know...


What Rise Radiant lacks in breadth and variety—compared to its predecessor—it makes up for with its cohesiveness and refinement.

Upcoming Releases

There's also a bit of writer's block happening.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a double dose from Aaron Turner and pals, Prog from down under, a new release from an...

Extreme of the Extreme

Good day Extreme fans! While it may not be the best of times right now, what's a better time to check out all previous...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


Several years ago, I discovered Binary Code through the release of their Moonsblood album. After reviewing and serving up high praise for that record,...

New Music

Since 2016, Well of Night have been restlessly building their sound into a rare blend of riff-heavy, energetic and melodic black metal. Years of...


Nita Strauss is one of the greatest guitarists on the planet today. Not female guitarist. Guitarist. Period. And now you have the chance to...

Extreme of the Extreme

Good day Extreme fans! While it may not be the best of times right now, what's a better time to check out all previous...

Live Footage

Just throwing this out there – Benante and Diaz need to form a band.

Anthrax drummer Charlie Benante and guitarist Scott Ian, bassist Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, ex-Anthrax, ex-Brutal Truth), and Lamb of God vocalist Randall Blythe have...

Extreme of the Extreme

Good day Extreme fans! While it may not be the best of times right now, what's a better time to check out all previous...

It's Just Business

The Saudi government is now the third largest stake holder in the entertainment company.

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with an album premiere of Evisorax’s Ascension Catalyst.

Full Album Stream

Some 38 years ago the question “How Could Hell Be Any Worse?” was asked by prominent hardcore punk unit Bad Religion. Now, the UK...