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Is there any way Bruce Dickinson isn't a perfect human being?

Upcoming Releases

The album will be out this September! Yes!!

Music Videos

RUN TO THE HILLS, Y'ALL! THEM THERE'S A BEAR... or some shit. I live in the suburbs.

br00tal Comedy

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon got Ed Sheeran to sing some acoustic covers of some metal classics (and Limp Bizkit). Also, you get to...

Metal Merch

Iron Maiden have had some cool merch in the past, be in their replica airplane and of course their beer and now they're selling...

br00tal Comedy

Judas Priest and Iron Maiden are two major bands responsible for ushering in the era of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal and...

Fuck Yes!

I guess Bruce thought heaven can wait. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week!

As a fan of music for my entire life, I've seen a zillion things get remastered but I never really thought about how that's...

Fuck Yes!

Which means a new album is on the horizon!

Bummer Alert

"[Bruce] had a long period of considerable pain and discomfort."

Upcoming Releases

Once Bruce is ready to go, so is the band.

Bummer Alert

Silver lining: He's already undergoing chemotherapy and doctors expect a full recovery.

Bands and Booze

Now I'm thirsty!

Celebrity Metalheads

Allow us to put our celebrity gossip hat on for a second.

It's Just Business

They're probably using those headphones in the studio.

Fuck Yes!

Iron Maiden send one Christmas card, and every loses their shit.

Latest News

Get drunk with a big-ass can of Iron Maiden! Bottles are for suckers.

At The Movies

Like… for real!

Gear Gods

Thomas Zwijsen recently uploaded this beautiful acoustic instrumental cover of the classic Iron Maiden tune "Fear of the Dark" and I can almost hear...

Music Videos

With a healthy dose of Rossini’s "William Tell Overture" thrown in there too!


Still haven't come up with a Halloween costume for next week?  MakeYewLook has posted this incredibly detailed tutorial on how to make yourself look like Eddie,...