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Search results for "maiden"

Tour Dates

After much teasing and a bit of delays, Iron Maiden have announced the dates for the U.S. portion of their world tour: Feb. 24...

It's Just Business

Music isn't a competition, but album sales are.


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...

Weekly Injection

This week is ridiculous. This edition includes new Iron Maiden, some other stuff that's pretty amazing, but mostly new Iron Maiden. To the metals...

Video Games

Whoever is doing the marketing for the new Iron Maiden album, The Book of Souls deserves a raise.

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There is no other band in the world like Iron Maiden

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What a classy tribute!


She meant it as a compliment to Maiden.

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Dickinson is cancer free and ready to rock!


Holy shit you guys… new Maiden and it's AWESOME!

Injection Reflection

This has been another crazy week for metal, let's take a look at the top stories from this week. 1. IRON MAIDEN Guitarist Says...


We're a little over a month away from the new Iron Maiden album, The Book of Souls being released. Maiden have already been hyping...

Celebrity Metalheads

Look, we just have to accept that metal is now ingrained in popular culture. Because like it or not, it is. People are mixing...

Around the Interwebs

I can’t say I’ve ever heard of Paintopia before, but as “the UK’s biggest face and body art event”, it might be something to...

Upcoming Releases

Well if you weren't excited for the new Iron Maiden double album, The Book of Souls when it was announced a few weeks ago,...


Hey, it's not that bad. That's basically the nicest thing you can say about the band in 2015.