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Search results for "Rican"


> AMBITIONS have posted the song “Sinking” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their forthcoming album, “Stranger” due out via Bridge Nine...


> THE CHARIOT have launched an official YouTube channel, detailing studio videos, live videos, and behind the scenes footage. > BARONESS have posted an...


Polish black/death band DARZAMAT have set August 28th through Metal Mind Productions as the North American release date for their first DVD, “Live Profanity...

Tour Dates

Billboard.com reports: Sources say a Hollywood press conference in one week will announce a 50-date American arena tour by VAN HALEN to begin in...

Video Games

Big news today as the makers of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock announces eleven new tracks for the upcoming installment of the immensely...

Tour Dates

KATAONIA, SCAR SYMMETRY, INSOMNIUM, and SWALLOW THE SUN have lined up the following North American tour: September 04 – Jaxx – West Springfield, VA...


The saga of North American musicians worshiping Swedish melodic death metal continues. Actually, I thought people had gotten over that whole “the only good...

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According to a posting here, Jeff Tuttle of the band HEADS WILL ROLL has joined THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, presumably as the band’s second...

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Mayan/Sanctuary Records have set July 30th as the release date for “Grind Your Mind – A History of Grindcore” on July 30. The release...

Video Games

IRON MAIDEN's "The Number of the Beast" and DRAGONFORCE's "Through the Fire and Flames" are among the latest confirmed tracks for the upcoming Activision...


> HER CANDANE have posted the song “Insideout Car Jacket” at their MySpace page. > DIVINE HERESY have posted the cover art for “Bleed...

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> DEMON HUNTER are currently in the studio recording their 4th album, due out by the end of the year via Solid State. The...

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DIVINE HERESY (ex-FEAR FACTORY, ex-VITAL REMAINS) have gained bass player Joe Payne (ex-NILE, LUST OF DECAY, DOMINATION THROUGH IMPURITY). The band will release their...

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THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER vocalist Trevor Strnad has issued the following update: “Hey troops, Trevor here from THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER. Just stopping by...

Tour Dates

MACHINE HEAD and ARCH ENEMY will team up for "The Black Tyranny Tour" beginning in early September. Support on the trek will come from...

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THE AUTUMN OFFERING are currently in the stages of pre-production for their new full-length album with new vocalist Matt McChesney from HELL WITHIN. ZOROASTER...

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SODOM have set September 28 in Germany, and October 1st in the rest of Europe through SPV as the release date for “The Final...

Tour Dates

THE BANNER, EMMURE, and THE HANDSHAKE MURDERS have set up the following dates: July 09 Levittown, NY @ Vintage Lounge July 10 Valatie, NY...

Tour Dates

EXODUS will be headlining a North American tour with GOATWHORE, ARSIS and WARBRINGER in February next year. Here are the dates: February 4 –...

Tour Dates

Here are the current dates for the SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM tour: August 2 – Petaluma CA @ The Phoenix Theater w/ Stolen Babies August...


The song comes from their forthcoming album “Neuthrone”, due out July 31st in North American via Candleight Records. The Official Crionics Website The Official...

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HIGH ON FIRE have provided Guitar World magazine’s MetalKult.com with exclusive video footage of the band in the studio working on and talking about...

Tour Dates

AS I LAY DYING and DARKEST HOUR have lined up some dates for a European tour: September 07th Wolverhampton, UK – Wulfrun Hall September...