Tour Dates
With Enterprise Earth, Une Misère, Great American Ghost, and Sentinels.
Hi, what are you looking for?
The tour kicks off on September 10, 2025.
Shout out to photographer Mihaela Petrescu.
"If you don’t bang your head to 'Womb,' you must actually be dead"
It comes at you pretty hard, and pretty fast.
Great American Ghost just keeps bringing that driving, kickass groove.
Check out those hardwood floors!
Say what you will about the politics of the scene, albeit straight edge, hardline, vegan, focuses on politics or general violence, there have been...
With Enterprise Earth, Une Misère, Great American Ghost, and Sentinels.
With Enterprise Earth, Ingested, Signs Of The Swarm, and Great American Ghost.
Currents and The Great American Ghost too!
Goatwhore are coming for your goats, and your whores.