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Search results for "stone"

Breakups & Shakeups

He's got chops, that's for sure.


It's always pleasant news when you hear that a band who has been around for awhile is releasing a new album, and refuses to...


Ion Dissonance is back and angry as ever.

Music Videos

The Detroit based lads in Hollow Earth have been slaying records for years now, but take my word, their upcoming efforts on Good Fight...


It's fall, but for a few minutes it'll be June all over again.


You can also smell the weed and Sleep influences.

Celebrity Metalheads

The fine folks at Metal Hammer have a new recurring feature about "10 albums that changed your life." They recently spoke to Stone Cold...

Full Album Stream

San Francisco's Zed are back with some of their most exciting and passionate music to date!


Necromancing The Stone, the band featuring bassist Bart Williams (ex-The Black Dahlia Murder), drummer Jeramie Kling, (The Absence, Dritt Skit), guitarists James Malone (Arsis,Vermithrax)...


FFO: Neurosis, Crowbar, Sleep if Sleep smoked less weed and was mad.


It's time to get your headbanging and ball-busting vocals on.


El-Ahrairah brings together atmospherics and deathly rage together on a brilliant return to form.

Music Videos

Gone Is Gone is the new project featuring Mastodon's Troy Sanders on bass/vocals,with Queens Of The Stone Age's Troy Van Leeuwen on guitar, At...

Shocking Revelations

16-year-old me is very upset by this news.


Except there's some discrepancies in his apology.


Black Stone Cherry wanted no part of having some nose beers with Lemmy - but Motorhead are claiming the story is false.