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Music Videos

Get ready to get heavy with some monolithic sludge metal from the UK's Ohhms.

Upcoming Releases

It'll be the first time since 2000 Mark Lanegan didn't appear on a Queens album.

Video Premiere

Featuring members from Hail of Bullets, Bolt Thrower, Benediction, Paganizer, and more...

Metal Crimes

This all happened in 2016, and the dude is suing a lot of people. Is it justified? Maybe.

Tour Dates

There were rumors circulating a few weeks back that Korn would be touring with Rammstein this summer. We were confused at the time, because...


Brooklyn post metal to the rescue, Thera Roya are masters of their craft.

Song Premiere

The stoner-doom Iowa based duo, Telekinetic Yeti, have been turning heads with their explosive live show, and are about to release these sweet neck...

They held him for ransom, played the album in full, and then killed the dude. It was brutal.

Live Footage

Not quite the same band as it is today, but still great.

Latest News

"Head Boy Machine" coming on July 31... maybe.


When death metal began in the 80's, it was fresh and innovative. Fast forward to today and I feel as though tolerance has left...

Upcoming Releases

Time for some new Queens of The Stone Age?


Not quite as fast, but there's still a ton of double bass.

Tour Dates

What the hell is with the tour announcements today?


Evocation, the death metal band. Not Revocation, the thrash band.

Upcoming Releases

The band is recording about 18 songs for it.

Tour Dates

Suicidal Tendencies, Norma Jean, Zakk Sabbath, etc.