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Search results for "Foundation"

Music Videos

A soulful combination of doom, punk and heavy rock, The Limit is capturing that mid-60s sound with a modern, heavy feel. The new super-group...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Wardruna, Here Lies Man, Phantom Elite, Comatose, and Asphyx.

Breakups & Shakeups

Last night, Tommy Vext reportedly did an Instagram live video where he announced he was leaving Bad Wolves. Today, the band made it official....

Breakups & Shakeups

Tommy Vext announced in an Instagram live video last night that he was parting ways with Bad Wolves, according to a report by our...

Best of 2020

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, and anyone else who is beautiful enough to click on this album of the...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. AKHLYS – Pnigalion Naas Alcameth's (ex-Nightbringer/Bestia Arcana) blistering black metal returns...

Best of 2020

My favorite metal albums of 2020 are a mix of always reliable heavy hitters and remarkable up-and-comers who absolutely deserve more attention.

Best of 2020

There isn't much to say about this year that hasn't been said already. I feel thankful to remain healthy, employed, and surrounded by family...

Undergound Buzz

Welcome to another roundup of Underground Buzz, where we spotlight some killer smaller bands. Want to be covered on this section? Reach out with...

Shocking Revelations

Wolfgang Van Halen has been publicly coping with the understandably difficult burden of losing his father, guitar legend Eddie Van Halen. Wolfgang revealed getting...

Upcoming Releases

"Writing always makes me feel enthusiastic about what's next."

Funeral Doom Friday

In keeping with our steadfast attempt to revisit the best funeral doom releases of 2020, today includes another double dose. 2 different bands whose...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dark Tranquillity, Fuck The Facts, Helvik, Jinjer, Liturgy, and Refused.

New Music

The song is a tribute to his father, the great Eddie Van Halen.


Beef Bros is an upcoming 32-page comic by former Marvel editor Aubrey Sitterson and artist Tyrell Cannon. According to Sitterson, the Beef Bros are...

Full Album Stream

All Bandcamp proceeds will be donated to Hardcore Help Foundation.

Music Videos

Originally based out of India and now residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, Soara is a two-man project consisting of Karthik Ramasubraminan (vocals)...

Upcoming Releases

There's a slight wrench in Metallica's plan of writing new music, they can't exactly do it over Zoom, due to technological limitations that end...


Sólstafir brings its massive arrangements and rustic grit to notably accessible territory, rounded off by some callbacks to a savage past.


Nine Inch Nails were officially inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night, during a virtual ceremony.  They joined a class that...