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Search results for "saw"


You guys have all seen that Oceano vs. Lambgoat video that Earache posted on our site a few weeks back? Yea, a lot of...

Latest News

There was a while when I thought that Phil Anselmo was done. I saw him playing with Superjoint Ritual a few years ago and...

Frank's Favorite Drumers

Being a drummer myself, I'd have to admit I tend to hone in on his business more so than the rest of the band....

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...

Latest News

WTF Kerry King? During a recent interview, King was asked about current Mayhem Fest touring mates, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE and was pretty open about his...

Monday Wake Up Call

Frank and I attended the first half of the 2-day Summer Slaughter event in NY yesterday (with half the openers playing one night, and...

Tour Dates

Damn, METALLICA sure knows how to pick opening acts lately. Gone are the days when such rock radio mainstays as GODSMACK and LIMP BIZKIT...

Clip of the Day

Neil Hamburger is not just America's funny man, he is one of my favorite comedians. I saw him do standup not too long ago...


MetalSucks just alerted me to the fact that the VBS documentary, Heavy Metal In Baghdad is an amazing documentary about the only Iraqi metal...

Ask Me...I'm Right

When Greg Weeks isn't blowing people's minds with his band, The Red Chord, the dude takes some time to answer some of life's important...

Latest News

Our good friends over at Metal Insider got a chance to speak with Ben Weinman, guitarist and manager of the Dillinger Escape Plan about...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today marks the first day of a super busy week for me. So expect crappier and short editions. No worries, though. I'll be back...

Metal Up Your Ass

Get me the tweet out of here! Everyone is tweeting all the damned time. I can't keep up. So here's a bunch of links...

tr00 and False

Every time the editors of Metal Inquisition come back to us with a brand new edition of their weekly recap — tr00 & False...

Metal Up Your Ass

What the fuck is a free country if a person can't fornicate with an inanimate object in peace?! Doesn't Michigan realize that he could...


San Diego's leading misanthropes CATTLE DECAPITATION, better known as a beastly death-grindcore band riding on their best album yet, just bestowed a new video...

Latest News

When we saw the DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN live a few weeks ago, we were blown away by their cover of NINE INCH NAILS' Wish....


Last weekend will be a weekend that I will never forget. Vice Magazine and Scion (the car company) teamed up to present Scion Rock...

tr00 and False

Every week the heavily-opinionated writers at Metal Inquisition chime in with their elitist views to bring you the best and worst stories of the...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated. Its also...

Monday Wake Up Call

What better way to begin your week than with a little MESHUGGAAAHHH. Here at the Metal Injection Studios, we still can't get over the...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated....