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We have just added our long-promised Video Vault, which features over 30 hours of archived METAL Injection episodes. Before we had our video-on-demand network...

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>DESPISED ICON need a new guitarist, here is what the band have to say about that and more: Hey everyone, some great and bad...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

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So, as I was taking a massive poop, I was reading the newest issue of Revolver magazine and stumbled across a monthly featured article...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Dear Greg,My name is Briton and im a Student at NAU University in Flagstaff AZ. I recently took a second job as co-host at...

Ask Me...I'm Right

To submit your questions to Greg, e-mail [email protected] Daniel writes: Hello Greg….greetings from Denmark (the capital of Sweden). I recently formed a new metalband...


New England has produced some, actually most of, the better Metal acts to date. Bands such as Blood Has Been Shed, Unearth, Killswitch Engage,...


German metalcore gurus, Caliban, return with their lastest effort entitled "The Undying Darkness", an impressive effort at that. Seasoned in metalcore, this band actually...


Vader - As Heavens Collide Lamb of God - Redneck Fall of Serenity - Dead Eyes Zyklon - Vile Ritual Deicide - Not of...


Unearth - This Glorious Nightmare All That Remains - This Calling Shadows Fall - Deadworld Killswitch Engage - This Fire Burns Slayer - Jihad...


Guess who’s back, bitches. Great show this week, good mix of the mosh and the metal. You’ll enjoy, OR ELSE!! Daughters - Fur BeachCarnivore...