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Search results for "three"

New Music

Better known as Wodos in some circles.


Named for the year in which the epidemic reached Norway and black metal outfit 1349. Much like the dreaded outbreak, their music is unrelenting, unmerciful,...

Upcoming Releases

"Well it does exist, that was awhile ago. Currently there’s around ten tracks on it."


Robb Flynn has no time for critics today, except he uses . a less polite word than critics


Welcome back to the latest instalment of This Is Armageddon! As a semi-regular column, our goal is to bring the very best as it relates...

New Music

Ahead of their tour with Five Finger Death Punch.

Dank Slams

Slam. The skank. The dank. The skanky danky dank. Call it whatever you want. All we do is report it. Anyway, this shit has...

Record Sales

We have begun tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists have been getting on Spotify. Where did we get this...

Live Footage

Specifically "Sorceress", "Ghost of Perdition", and "In My Time of Need".


Watch the video for a new song and read an in-depth interview with vocalist/violinist, Simon Barr. Their new album, Behold Sedition Plainsong, arrives on...

The Wednesday Sludge

Portland instrumental sludgers Ramprasad have returned to bring their slow, spacey, doom into outer orbit with their debut album Tsuris. Featuring Aaron D.C. Edge...


Exhumed cement their reputation as kings of the Horror business with their new full length. And they've returned to the bloody basics, with a grindcore...

Metal Crimes

Some answers uncovered in the Fear Factory drama.

New Music

Post-metal masters Rosetta are here for you.

New Music

The new record features some classical piano too.

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

New Music

Since 2010, Gore House Productions has effectively been releasing some of the most intense and disgusting(ly good) death metal out there. Take for instance,...


There’s still excitement to be had by flogging a dead horse. As long as you use a heavier flogger.

New Music

Foo Fighters are kicking the weekend off right, with a five-track EP release. How nice of them? The Foos have an affinity for weirdly...