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WINDHAND Will Unleash The Doomiest Doom Record Ever This September

Holy shit a new Windhand record. Everyone shut up.

Holy shit a new Windhand record. Everyone shut up.

Windhand has been in the studio for the better part of this year but by and large has stayed pretty quiet about the whole thing. While the group and its record label Relapse Records still haven't said a damn thing, Noisey took the liberty of photographing the group quite a bit (including the header image) and reporting that a new record titled Grief's Infernal Flower will be out on September 18.

The album was produced by Jack Endino at Soundhouse Recording in Seattle. You might know Endino from his work with bands like Nirvana and High On Fire, which means we're basically in for the best fucking doom record this side of 2015… and maybe the decade. I'm not putting any limits on my expectations here. The group's 2013 record Soma was absolutely outstanding to the highest degree and wherever the group goes from there, I'm sure it'll sound disgustingly massive.

Check out the rest of the photos here as well, all taken by Connie Aramaki, but here's a few of my favorites.

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