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Get Your Head Ripped Off By A New RIVERS OF NIHIL Jam

This is chunky to a whole new realm of chunky.

This is chunky to a whole new realm of chunky.

Rivers of Nihil is a modern death metal band that is doing it right. Period. These guys brought it hard on the debut record and now that we're hearing the first sounds off Monarchy, due out August 21 via Metal Blade, it's clear that there's no slowing down by the group.

"Perpetual Growth Machine" is an absolute wrecking ball of a song. Right from the get go everything is just fucking pummeling and destructive… and it doesn't let up. Ever. Hell, if the second single off this record is as good as this one is, I think it's safe to say this is going to be one of the best heavy releases of 2015.

Guitarist Brody Uttley talked a little bit about the mood of the record too, and unsurprisingly it's all about anger and grief.

"I lost a few close friends. The loss of these people had a profound influence on the creation of the music for this record. I was having strong feelings of rage, sadness, hope, and frustration as a result. The songs turned out heavier, darker, sadder, and more frightening than I had ever hoped that they would."

It sure sounds like it so far.


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