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Search results for "metal"

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


Besides the Fort Rock gallery we just posted, we have two sets of new photos from New York-based photographer Rodrigo Fredes. Rodrigo hit up ...

New Music

David Silveria's new band has a new song.

Upcoming Releases

Another phase of the new album is complete.

Music Videos

Kataklysm's brand or trope is slow and heavy death metal riffage, and its out in full form on their new song,  "Narcissist."

Music Videos

New album in July, which will contain this terrifying single and more.

New Music

Five Finger Death Punch slow it down just a bit.

Upcoming Releases

Well it's not the reunion some were hoping for, it's just a very very fancy box set. Guns N Roses are releasing a very...


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Star Wars metal, and some other shit you'll probably rather I focus on, but why? To the metals...

Upcoming Releases

The preview will leave you with some blue balls.


There is something to be said for experience and longevity. If you, as a death metal musician, have survived decades upon decades in this...


Today, we are looking at New York-based Death Metal trio, Aeviterne. Recently the band popped up to show off their brand of technical death...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the recent geo-political events in pro wrestling. We then discuss Mike Francesa's return to the radio airwaves, Kerry...

The Thinking Man

Check out this progressive melodic death metal treat from Eartheria


Sludge metal is a genre that is, to say the least, overplayed. It's a genre that many might justifiably argue has been played out...


Australia's Depravity prides themselves on crafting well-produced, controlled chaos on their debut album, "Evil Upheaval."

This Is Just A Tribute

Time flies when missing the metal master, Jeff Hanneman.


This is an amazing edition of Squared Circle Pit as we have guitarist Nita Strauss on the show to discuss her incredible performance at...