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Search results for "massacre"

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Vexed, Vulture, Amorphis, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Mothman and The Thunderbirds, Dr. Colossus, Yautja, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

New Music

Newly formed death metal band INHUMAN CONDITION have released their first single, “Tyrantula” with an accompanying video.  “Tyrantula” will be on the group’s debut album “Rat°God”. INHUMAN...

Scene Report

China is big, and just when I think I am familiar with most of the bands in the extreme metal scene, new ones continuously...

New Music

Aduanten is like riding on an unpredictable sea. Sometimes its atmospheric, peaceful even, and sometimes it is stormy and rippling.

Upcoming Releases

AC/DC, Electric Wizard, Ihsahn, Fallujah, Linkin Park, Lamb of God, the list goes on.

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


Portugal's Gothic metal pioneers Moonspell are closing in on their 30 year anniversary, with no signs in slowing down on both output and inner-fire....

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Suffering Hour, Lizzard, Infinity Shred, and Gravesend

Latest News

It's stuff they never got to use for Massacre.

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...

Music Videos

Danish death metal band, Baest's, new single "Necro Sapiens" from their upcoming album of the same name, is an absolute death metal BLAST! For...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Wardruna, Here Lies Man, Phantom Elite, Comatose, and Asphyx.

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...

Best of 2020

Over 30,000 votes have been tallied, and you, the Metal Injection junkies have made your voices heard. These are the albums you deemed to...

Best of 2020

Here at the end of all things, it’s a good moment to look back at what has come out in 2020. As I've stated...


North Kingsley/System of a Down bassist Shavo Odadjian unloaded on the international community for ignoring the Armenia-Azerbaijan crisis that has so far claimed 6000...

Best of 2020

2020 sucked. End of story. Aside from the deaths, hardships and the basic collapse of society and common sense at large; it was a...

Black Metal Chronicles

Winter is coming: the sun is setting earlier in the day. The air is starting to freeze. The dead leaves of autumn are being...

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...