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Search results for "guitar hero"

Shocking Revelations

Remember guitarist Mike Reynolds? We exposed him for being an insane homophobe, and the resulting controversy caused him to quit the band and become...


Chris Adler and Kiko Loureiro, come on down!


The Faceless promised to make the European tour, but just can't do it.


Got shredding chops? Earn some cash for your skill.

Music Videos

Protest The Hero released a music video for their ode to Newfoundland off their fourth studio album, Volition. Commenting on the video, guitarist Luke Hoskin...


European power metal has a tendency towards bombast and everything-but-the-kitchen-sink production value. Bands like Blind Guardian and Sabaton build careers on creating music that's as sweeping and...

Show Recap

On Monday March 17th, everyone’s other, other favorite progressive band from Canada descended on The Assembly in Sacramento to headline an eclectic evening of...


For as good as 2011's Scurrlious is, it had MASSIVE footsteps to follow after the band's monumental Fortress. It didn't quite live up to it sadly, and...


If you missed the cover art reveal for Protest The Hero's new album, Volition, here it is in all it's glory! Also, the band...

Video Games

Periphery's Misha Mansoor, Joe Satriani, Arch Enemy's Michael Ammot & Angela Gassow, Andrew WK and Wayne Static aren't just heavy metal heroes, they're now playable characters in...

Upcoming Releases

Ready to get introduced to one of your new favorite bands? Caricature have been killing it to a smaller audience for a while now...

Music Videos

The first new song from Volbeat featuring new guitarist Rob Caggiano. From their new album, Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies which hits stores on...


From the chilly Scandinavian homeland which they draw their inspiration, Ensiferum sits atop the heap of modern folk-metal bands. Along with other genre standbys...

Tour Dates

Holy shit, the killer tours just keep on coming. Just announced: Protest The Hero, Periphery, Jeff Loomis and The Safety Fire. Fucking fuck fuck!...


Canada’s Protest The Hero has been making quite a buzz in the metal scene ever since their 2005 release, Kezia. The band has always...

Marketing Genius

The above video is a great example of viral marketing. You should probably watch it before reading the rest of this entry. As I...

Latest News

Remember when we posted this awesome video last week? Here I thought, some kids have way too much time on their hands. Turns out,...

Video Games

Maybe this will help you clear the taste out of your mouth from all that Jesus Hero. A group of kids recreated the gameplay...


Ingredients for a Fortress cocktail: 1 part J.R.R. Tolkien 1 part Molson Canadian 2 parts marijuana 1 part Iron Maiden 1 part Dream Theater...

Tour Dates

Recently over the holidays, after over a year of waiting for them to return to the US, I hopped in my car and drove...

Latest News

It looks like electronics-makers are making every gadget possible to not play real instruments. Combining the popularity of video games such as Guitar Hero...