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EYEHATEGOD Guitarist Says New Music Coming In 2014, Deceased Drummer "Would Have Never Wanted Us To Quit Playing"

Deceased drummer Joey LaCaze will appear on the new record.

Deceased drummer Joey LaCaze will appear on the new record.

In an interview with The Rock Pit, Eyehategod guitarist Jimmy Bower spoke out about the band going on now that drummer Joey Lacaze had passed in August of 2013. Lacaze has since been replaced by drummer Aaron Hill.

"Joey would have never wanted us to quit playing; we knew that for a fact. So as opposed to sitting around bummed out, we just got into a room pretty fast with Aaron and started learning as much as we could. We got 22 songs down, so we're stoked, man. It's good to be playing shows again. We miss Joey bigtime — we will always miss Joey — but we're also excited about the new chapter in the band."

Bower also spoke a little bit about the band's new record, which is the last record Lacaze will have played on. It's also the band's first record in 13 years.

"No. Joey did. We recorded it last year right after we got back from Australia, but it's taken us a year to get it all finished up and everything. That's another reason we are super excited about it too. But we've been writing too; we've already got two new songs and almost another one, so it's good, because the band has been the most active than we've ever been."

Right on. It'll be cool to hear some new Eyehategod in 2014 too!

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