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Upcoming Releases

"Writing always makes me feel enthusiastic about what's next."

Injection Reflection

Make sure to watch our Slay at Home free concert if you missed it earlier today. Here is what else you missed this week....

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dark Tranquillity, Fuck The Facts, Helvik, Jinjer, Liturgy, and Refused.


Translating from Icelandic as “All This Damn Darkness,” Allt Tetta Helvitis Myrkur doubles down on the most haunting aspects of Katla's brand of atmospheric...

Upcoming Releases

Eyehategod have been hard at work on a new album since at least 2018, and now they are ready to show off the fruits...


Halford is a man of culture.


Beef Bros is an upcoming 32-page comic by former Marvel editor Aubrey Sitterson and artist Tyrell Cannon. According to Sitterson, the Beef Bros are...


Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....

Latest News

"We're looking at all the opportunities. I'll tell you, these kind of things creep up on you."

Upcoming Releases

"The concept of an acoustic record is something we’ve been considering—and encouraged to pursue by fans—for many years."

Music Videos

IT'S ALIVE! Carach Angren's new video for "Franckensteina Strataemontanus" is a not so silent horror  movie, reminiscent of the early 20th century films, that...

Latest News

"We wanted to come up with a Back In Black, an LP stacked with singles."

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...

Music Videos

There is no other way to describe this band other than "Tolkien Metal." This is metal fit for dwarves, elves and invading Mordor. They...

Upcoming Releases

"We're going for realsies mid-November, so we are just drilling it."


The air becomes crisper, the nights grow longer, and everything becomes pumpkin flavored (whether or not they should be). Halloween draws near! Here are...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Bring Me The Horizon, Carcass, Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou, Magnetic Eye Records, Nothing, Nuclear Power Trio, and War On Women.

New Music

Or more specifically, "The Triumph Of King Freak (A Crypt Of Preservation And Superstition)".

Upcoming Releases

My personal favorite Judas Priest album would have to be Painkiller. I thought their most recent release, Firepower, was right up there, actually, and...

Music Videos

AC/DC have posted the music video for their new single, "Shot In The Dark," their new single from the upcoming album, Power Up, out...