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Search results for "Scar"


Locrian's Return to Annihilation is a strange record that will grow on you until you're pretty much dependent on it's strange, misty drone. Trust me.

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We are entering a very sad age in the world of heavy metal, the middle-ages of metal if you will. All the legendary musicians...

Injection Reflection

Summer is officially here. I decided to spend the afternoon in a café finishing up my work, and the WiFi is terrible, but the...

Shocking Revelations

Randy Blythe might be a free man after his overwhelming trial in the Czech Republic on allegations of manslaughter, for which he was cleared,...

Upcoming Releases

I've already told you that Mouth of the Architect's newest album Dawning is pretty cool, but here's another single to tide you over!

Tour Dates

Rob Zombie announced that he'd be doing his Great American Nightmare Festival in October and November of this year in Los Angeles. It sounds...

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Kinda almost died not too long ago. I was changing a string on my bass, and the thing snapped and swung at my throat....


Mouth of the Architect are sticking to their guns on Dawning with some seriously quality post-metal that presents itself naturally and without any bells...

Upcoming Releases

Dude, the album is called The Satanist (which we talked about earlier this week) and it's inspired by kicking cancer square in the nuts. Can...

Upcoming Releases

IWRESTLEDABEARONCE have completed their upcoming record and they seem pretty psyched about what they accomplished. Hooray positivity! However, their name is still ridiculous and...


Seth's The Howling Spirit boils down to well-written black metal without succumbing to the reverb-laden hallmarks and constant minor-chord bombardments that black metal so...

Upcoming Releases

I had a hell of a time getting to sleep last night. I just say The Dillinger Escape Plan for the first time. Holy...


We're just a few weeks away from the release of The Black Dahlia Murder's new album, Everblack and with anticipation gaining, the band released...

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Trash Talk apparently have gained drummer Thomas Pridgen (ex-Mars Volta), though the circumstances seem a little strange give their old drummer hasn't really quit.

Weekly Injection

The metal world has been getting really heavy lately (pun intended, but I'm not proud of it). There has been death, a murder plot,...


While many assume Baroness are still getting over their scary bus crash from last year, the band are ready to move forward. Even though...


The Last Spire is the aptly titled final effort of legendary doom rock act Cathedral, and the band certainly don't just lay down and die....

Upcoming Releases

All we know right now is that The Absence have something coming out called Oceans and it'll have Per Nilsson of Scar Symmetry on it....

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Seriously. I'd love to see these two back together and working on some jams outside the Pantera name out of respect for Dime.

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Jørgen Munkeby of Shining (NOR) is one of those people that I can never decide if he scares the hell out of me or...

Upcoming Releases

Iwrestledabearonce are putting the finishing touches on their new record and plan to have it in stores later on in 2013.

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Corrections House (Neurosis, Eyehategod, Nachtmystium and Yakuza) debut their new video for "Grin With A Purpose." It's… well, it's something.

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Ever wonder what Corey Taylor of Stone Sour thinks about while he's on the road? Well, this new mini-diary answers that question.