Jørgen Munkeby of Shining (NOR) is one of those people that I can never decide if he scares the hell out of me or he's just a regular dude wielding a saxophone and guitar. This interview made me feel like he's the latter
In an interview with Noisey, Jørgen Munkeby talks about a lot of pretty cool stuff ranging from why they named the new record One One One, how he got the sound of Shining up and running, and a few other things. On the new record, One One One–
About six months after we finished Blackjazz, I felt like we had stumbled upon something that was very unique. It felt like coming home again after playing jazz for a long time. Then when it was time to make a new studio album, I wanted to distill the whole idea of Blackjazz into something more concrete with shorter, more direct songs. The two songs I was personally most happy with from Blackjazz were “The Madness and the Damage Done,” and “Fisheye,” the first two songs. They served as starting points, and have a more familiar song structure than the rest of the album. I wanted to see if I could make a whole album like that.
And why it's named that-
No, it was derived from the idea of making a series of great songs, a series of ones.
See? Makes perfect sense! Then Munkeby goes on to joke about how he wanted all the songs to be number one and to "fuck all the bitches," so I'm not entirely sure how sarcastic his explanation beforehand was either. For all we know, only he knows that the devil's real number is a series of ones rather than sixes and we've all sold our sold by listening! Then he gets asked about the depressive super kvlt trve 666 black metal band Shining from Sweden, and masterfully responds-
Their guitarist Niklas Kvarforth lived in Oslo, where I lived a few years ago and I met him a few times. We both feel that there’s nothing much we can do about having the same name. We’re both trying to make the best music we can and we’re both fine with just knowing that. Nobody’s taking anybody to court. We’re not changing out name to the Shining BC or anything.
Heh… Shining B.C. I'm still a little perplexed about the Ghost/Ghost B.C. thing, especially since the two Shining's can get along and junk, but whatever. At least Ghost vowed to take care of that crap.