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Bummer Alert

Absolutely tragic!

Video Games

You can be Lemmy in a video game!

At The Movies

The unrated version of Zombie's film is coming to DVD later this year.

Bonfires! Video games! Free drugs and hookers!

Best of 2015

The ONLY list you really need this year, obviously.

Bummer Alert

Lemmy Kilmister was only 70 years old

Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...


So, here we are, nine years after djent-pioneers SikTh's last release with a smirk on our face. Hit me with your best shot.

Best of 2015

Such a god damn good year for metal music...

Best of 2015

There's a constant debate I have to have with myself when crafting these end of the year lists. And the struggle is one you...

Music Videos

Oh shit. I have the fever.

Latest News

A few months ago, our friends at MetalSucks launched their annual Converse Rubber Tracks giveaway. For those not in the know, Converse has a...

Shocking Revelations

"Skip the depressing T-shirt with 1967-2015 on it – use the money to take a kid to a ballgame or out for ice cream."

Bummer Alert

The man inspired many people to pick up drumsticks and surely just as many to put them down.

Metal Merch

Be a Tool on Christmas!


Kublai Khan has so far made a name for themselves while previously landing a spot on The All Stars Tour and squeezing into the...

Video Games

Bethesda still loves them some metal.

Shocking Revelations

The story is still deceloping.