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Weekly Injection

This week is fucking solid. So much so that I didn't even get around to talking about everything I wanted to. Sad. Anyway, get...

Video Games

This is the coolest thing ever.


Howls Of Ebb are expanding what black metal can be, the real question is can you hold on for the whole journey?


Conspiracies include Black Sabbath, AC/DC, KISS and the metal cult.


One step at a time, though the steps seem to be coming easier now.

Metal Science

Featuring weird jelly people and bad physics.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some legends, game-changing tech death, Uncle Al's latest non-Ministry thing, and more! To the metals...

Latest News

The new Slipknot drummer opens up in the most revealing interview yet.


Of all the brands to enter the metal sphere…

br00tal Comedy

Who knows Ace Frehley better? The man or the music recognition app?


We've compiled a short list of some of our favorite Metallica -LOL- worthy moments for your viewing pleasure.


What can be said with faithful finality is that listening to Moonsorrow is a cinematic experience. Their brand of monolithic and aristocratic blackened pagan...

Tour Dates

The Sumerian Records 10th Anniversary is back again!

Weekly Injection

This edition might be the most diverse Weekly Injection yet with EDM metal, oodles of bass slaps, Mike Patton moaning, and more! To the...

At The Movies

"Five carnival workers who are kidnapped the night before Halloween and held hostage in a large secret compound known as Murder World. "

Weekly Injection

This edition includes music that'll either inspire you to get high, inspire you to pillage, or inspire you to do whatever fucked up thing The...


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


Deftones throwing some friendly jabs.