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br00tal Comedy

NYC creative studio Mrs. Woman shot a pilot in late 2015 for Two Minutes to Late Night – the only heavy metal late night talk show. The pilot...


2016 has been a blur. There have been some seriously great records, some records that fell a little short of expectations, and records that...


Part of the joy of being a Melvins fan is the sense of discovery. Even after 30 years of sludge rocking their way around...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of blues-based rockin', some technical madness, post-metal giants and more! To the metals…


Heavy metal is nasty, loud, rude, and crude. These are positives. There’s nothing that rubs my hairy buttcheeks the wrong way more than metal...


Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield nail it!

Injection Reflection

Plus Christian metalcore band finds science and rejects religion, new Machine Head track and more.

Full Album Stream

The MLB is streaming the album. I'm not even kidding. The MLB has acknowledged Melvins.


Cover songs or full albums are usually a pretty nice treat for the fans of the band that releases them. For Six Feet Under,...

Cinema Fix

A grim and dramatic coming of age / black metal origin story


The Evil Divide starts off on a nuclear-stamped note of conflagration, that being the frenetic vehemence of “The Moth,” a song that sees the...

Full Album Stream

Illinois natives Caecus gift us with an exclusive stream of their debut album, The Funeral Garden. Atmospheric infused tech-death is the name of the...

Injection Reflection

The weather is getting better in NYC, so I'm heading outside. Here are this week's most trending stories: Joey Jordison's "New" Band VIMIC Post...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bummer metal, prog insanity, some death metal variety and more! To the metals…

Tour Dates

Ozzy, Slipknot and more were present.

Tour Dates

Dark Sermon is doing an extensive headliner. Good on 'em!

Metal Merch

Four different models, including a kids' model


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...

The Obituarist

Hear new music from underground death metal bands like Xenomorphic Contamination, Inbreeding Sick, Megascavenger, Nucleus, Zhrine

Tour Dates

The Acacia Strain is one of the most consistently awesome bands to see live, they always deliver