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> DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have posted the following teaser for their upcoming album. As we previously reported, guitarist Ben Weinman was quoted as saying...

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This is taken from EMPEROR's official Myspace blog: After triumphantly headlining the annual Wacken Open Air Festival and four capacity performances in America last...

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South Carolina's THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are currently completing new songs for the band's second full-length, the follow-up to 2005's Bloodlust. The...


For some reason, the YouTube test of guitar proficiency these days is how well one can play Necrophagist songs. Well, The Faceless would wipe...

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DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN recently announced some CD details to Decibel Magazine. "We have pretty well-produced demos," guitarist Ben Weinman explains, "and some prospective song...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...


If you like Hatebreed, you'll love Born From Pain. That's the long and short of it, as well as the good and bad. The...

Tour Dates

STONE SOUR, LACUNA COIL and SHADOWS FALL wil lteam up for the latest installment of the Jägermeister Music Tour, set to kick off March...


By now, rock 'n' roll is hardly a new influence on its twice-removed, thrice-disowned cousins, metal and hardcore punk. Entombed started "death 'n' roll"...

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> Corey Taylor, frontman for STONE SOUR and SLIPKNOT tells MTV.com that due to the success of STONE SOUR, he and guitarist Jim Root,...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...

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BURY YOUR DEAD vocalist Mat Buso has left the band to pursue a degree for teaching and to be with his wife. Not very...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...


"Hail the holy four pillars of uncreation: sodomy, abortion, suicide, and cannibalism!" So reads the "Manifest" on Heresi's website. Heresi is one Skamfer, who...

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>DESPISED ICON need a new guitarist, here is what the band have to say about that and more: Hey everyone, some great and bad...


Two weeks ago I ventured my way into the depths of the underbelly of Detroit, Harpos. For those of you not familiar with the...

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This was posted on BEHEMOTH's official myspace blog: Polish extreme metal titans BEHEMOTH have entered the studio this week (December 11th) to begin tracking...


A.C.T. is probably closer to rock than metal, but open-minded folks seeking more than the newest br00tal band would do well to give it...

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>VITAL REMAINS, MONSTROSITY, and SINISTER have confirmed their envolvment in this years, FUCK THE COMMERCE X festival. The festival will take place in Germany...

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> Seattle rockers HIMSA have signed a worldwide deal with Century Media Records. The band is currently writing their upcoming album, with no release...

Clip of the Day

> INTO ETERNITY have put up their new video "Severe Emotional Distress." The clip was directed by Kevin Wildt. Guitarist/vocalist Tim Roth had this...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...