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Search results for "Soundscape"


The Dillinger Escape Plan vocalist unleashes a fresh torrent of creativity on his long-awaited solo album...


The experi-metal titans are back - pay attention to the details...


The second half of The Ocean's Phanerozoic dualogy uses kaleidoscopic heaviness to relate the human condition to a 541-million-year cosmic tragedy.


FFO: Opeth, Dream Theater, Steven Wilson

Music Videos

If you took the atmospheric sludge of Cult of Luna, dipped it in the sweet stoner resin of Sleep and filtered if through a...

New Music

Once again, we're pleased to bring you the premiere of a new track from yet another promising young UK band. Mountain Caller is an instrumental metal...

New Music

With basically a whole new lineup.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include vampires swearing in front of children, the opposite of smooth jazz metal, a surprising number of violins,...


Italian death metal band Bedsore comes through with a powerful debut of savage heaviness, transportive psychedelia and unnerving atmosphere.


Although Mushroomhead has had many lineup changes over their career, this most recent rendition is easily the most crucial shift as founding vocalist Jeffrey...

Upcoming Releases

A completely re-imagined delivery of the lyrics of Iced Earth songs.


Eye of Nix’s third album of baroque black/doom metal has a much better production value, but it's still otherworldly in its bizarre beauty.

Music Videos

I'm not sure if this video is meant to kill me in seven days, but, if so, it was totally worth it. Icelandic black metal...


For those with the patience to fully submerge in the proceedings, Geist & The Sacred Ensemble appeals on a wavelength similar to Swans’ The...


Dungeon synth fueled funeral doom from Italy? It gets interesting...


Several years ago, I discovered Binary Code through the release of their Moonsblood album. After reviewing and serving up high praise for that record,...


Wailin Storms' third LP supercharges the band's genre-bending doom rock with emotive storytelling and terrifying atmosphere.

New Music

Nothing like a little heavy psych to brighten the day. Hailing from Rome (yes, as in Rome, Italy), Black Rainbows has been crafting extravagant, stoner-tinged...


Often, I'm reminded of Profanatica's first interview,  a grainy VHS dispatch immortalized on the internet. The cult trio huddle around two candles, their faces smudged...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include prog sad boys, shelter at home circle pits, difficult to Google bands, and more! To the metals...


Metempsychosis accomplishes all it sets out to in terms of transmitting the complex arcs and affections of its subject matter.