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Search results for "Corpse"

Tour Dates

The release date for Cannibal Corpse's next studio album, Violence Uniminaged, is less than a month away and it's already one of the most...

Injection Reflection

We're blasting through the year at record speed, but at least spring is here. Get yourself outside, but before you do, make sure you...

Celebrity Metalheads

Cannibal Corpse is a world-renowned band and you just never know where you end up, it could even be the Cher's house! Frontman George...

Metal Merch

As black metal culture slowly seeps its way into everyday society, its natural that skin care gets a black metal makeover. Enter Finnish brand...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher of Cannibal Corpse to revisit the viral Target video they made together and how it’s affected his...

Upcoming Releases

It also seems that Hatebreed's Jamey Jasta is once again involved.

Latest News

"I’m just weird about being forced to take something. It’s a touchy subject, of course."


Артём Барабанович is here to show you what's up.

Latest News

"I text with Adam D. here and there, and we always talk about it."

Music Videos

We're so excited to be hearing new Cannibal Corpse this year, when we really need it. And more excitedly, is seeing a bruuuutal new...

Upcoming Releases

Cannibal Corpse is gearing up to release their new album Violence Unimagined, which drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz said showcases "most intense drumming performance physically." Mazurkiewicz...

Fuck Yes!

When Cannibal Corpse officially announced that Erik Rutan was in the group, they noted that he wrote three of the songs on the album....

Injection Reflection

It's been a week full of lament, drama, and crazy news, but thankfully it's Friday! Former MARILYN MANSON Guitarist Wes Borland Says Accusations Against...

Fuck Yes!

"I contributed and wrote 3 songs of music and lyrics."

New Music

Cannibal Corpse have officially unveiled the first single off their upcoming death metal opus, Violence Unimagined. The album will be released on April 16th...

Upcoming Releases

It's an exciting week to be a Cannibal Corpse fan. Late last night, the death metal legends announced that a new single, "Inhumane Harvest,"...

New Music

Decrepit Birth, Pathology, and ex-Suffocation vocalists too!

Celebrity Metalheads

It's inarguable that Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea is one of the greatest bassists of all time. The man understands groove. Earlier this...