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Metallica and Dave Mustaine parted ways in 1983. That same year, Mustaine formed Megadeth and Metallica put out their debut album Kill 'Em All,...


The infamous story is recalled.

Mustaine Mania

"The Menza family wasn't even aware of any book being in the works."

Shocking Revelations

"I think you have that backwards, and that Slash is actually a little more technical than I am."

Shocking Revelations

"Why would I want to glorify something like that?"

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This past Sunday was Dave Mustaine's 59th birthday, where does the time go? Mustaine celebrated with his family in their Tennessee home. Dave's wife...

Injection Reflection

Another week of summer gone. It's almost over officially. Here's what you missed this week: DAVE MUSTAINE Talks How Much Coke MEGADETH Did on Rust...

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"Although we're not super close, I consider him to be someone I look up to."

Mustaine Mania

The interview covered a lot of ground including his current thoughts on his former Rust In Peace-era bandmates, guitarist Marty Friedman and drummer Nick...

Upcoming Releases

The announcement of Dave Mustaine's new book, with Joel Selvin, was made official today. Rust In Peace: The Inside Story of the Megadeth Masterpiece  is...

Metal Merch

Got a couple of grand burning a hole in your savings account?

Injection Reflection

It's only been a week? Feels like it's been a month! Here's what you missed this week: Rumor: Is KERRY KING Launching A New...


Megadeth's Dave Mustaine, appearing with a fashionably metal face mask, and his daughter Electra have joined in the #MyMusicMoment hash tag to perform a...

Upcoming Releases

It's called Building the Perfect Beast and it's out in September.

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"And on October 16th, I went to go see the doctor, and he said, ‘You’re 100 percent free of cancer.'"


Dave Mustaine is indeed back. He and Megadeth took the stage tonight, Monday, January 20 in Helsinki, Finland. It was the band's first live...

Tour Dates

Megadeth will be opening for Five Finger Death Punch.