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Choice Cuts

"For all death metal fans, there’s a lot to love about a band like Coffins, and The Other Side of Blasphemy puts it all...


"I'd advise turning it up loud, as the nasties on the album cover strike me as the type you'd want to join rather than...

Full Album Stream

The head abrasions are no extra charge.


One of Finland’s greatest metal exports, Espoo’s Children of Bodom created a musical legacy that was built upon an instantly recognisable sound and a...

This Is Just A Tribute

We'll all miss you, but we're sure as hell never going to forget you.


Plus how he approaches songs, improvisation live, The Shaggs, and more!

In the News

And besides, it's easier than detoxing from oil and gas, right?


"The new generation might even receive Stabbing Westward better than the last one."

Song Premiere

Though the cold winds may not blow as literally in places like Georgia as they do in the north, there are always ways of...


On why they're named what they're named, their influence, and more!

Full Album Stream

Up for some blackened progressive cowboy nintendocore?

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At first glance, you’d assume that metal music and gambling do not have anything in common; however, if you look at them more closely,...


"Servant of the Mind has a lot of memorable songs ... with catchy hard rock singles augmented by some metal moments.