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Everything from black and death metal, to thrash and some big-name rock bands!

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With the sad news in 2018 that legendary Judas Priest guitarist Glenn Tipton was suffering from Parkinson's Disease, the band's producer Andy Sneap was...

Breakups & Shakeups

Welcome to new bassist Harry Armstrong.

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If the last year has reaffirmed anything, it's that human decency is pure optics. The notion of national, corporate, or individual virtue is a...


Two pieces of evidence seem to point to the band being in the studio right now.


You'll be hearing the name Tetrarch, so get familiar. L.A.'s hard rock, nu-metal hybrid have risen from independent sensation to legitimate heavy prospect ahead...

Upcoming Releases

What the hell are Corey Taylor and the rest of Slipknot teasing? Taylor previously promised "massive Slipknot news" in the next month or so...

br00tal Comedy

Mick Thomson is easily the scariest member of Slipknot, and if you don't believe me, this video will prove my point. I would not...

Upcoming Releases

Okay, what is Slipknot up to? The band has a fall tour in the works and have been teasing in recent months the possibility...

Tour Dates

Maybe there will be another Slipknot record by then?


For five years and counting, Sweden's Chronus have pulled no punches with their cinematic blend of high-energy metal. Complete with soaring vocals, intricate riffs...


Can't make it to the desert? Yawning Man will bring the desert to you. Legendary innovators of desert rock Yawning Man are set to...

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They are putting together ideas for the next album while in quarantine.


"This is just a shitty lie attempting to capitalize on these awful times."


The Dillinger Escape Plan vocalist unleashes a fresh torrent of creativity on his long-awaited solo album...

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James Hetfield was interviewed by Metallica's self-published fanzine, So What?, and there were some interesting revelations during the interview. One of the biggest things...


Dee Snider is not going to take his music being used for anti-mask propaganda.

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Quiet Riot drummer Frankie Banali passed away at the age of 68 this August after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Banali drummed for Quiet...