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Search results for "Escape"

Music Videos

"Loners" is the first single from SEAS OF WAKE's album Depth of the Marrow coming May 13th 2016. The hard hitting album was Produced...

Upcoming Releases

Mastodon plan to begin writing the follow-up to 2014's Once More 'Round The Sun.

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Black Metal History

Black metal is a lot of things—bombastic, Wagnerian, nihilistic. Black metal is also the intentional opposite, or rather the opposition to rock and roll’s...

Black Metal Chronicles

Leviathan (a.k.a.: Wrest, a.k.a.: Jef Whitehead) is one of the few musicians that can conjure real ghosts. One that tear at your throat and...

Tour Dates

One date, though it'll likely be memorable for years to come.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the triumphant return of a prog favorite, some epicness of all types, the wonderfully weird, and more! To the metals…


The Sunshine State has thrown out more death metal bands than this music junkie can name but Arms may be the state's first purveyors...

Tour Dates

Carcass, Despised Icon, Sabaton, Ghost are aloso n the bill.

Tech-Death Tuesday

In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we are switching the format up a bit. And focusing on more than the usual two bands a week format....

Metal Injection Exclusives

We visit NAMM 2016 to catch up with a few artists and booths about what's new. Mini interviews with members of The Dillinger Escape...


So soon after the last record? Yes please.

Relapse Records Podcast

2016 is off to a fast start for Relapse – it's barely January and we already have four releases under our belt! In keeping...

Tech-Death Tuesday

We explore the progressive deathly realms of A Novelist. And also highlight the 2011 underground classic, The Ubiquity Of Subjugation, by Slaughterbox.

Weekly Injection

This edition features some solo outings, an epic supergroup, Dave Mustaine's glorious head of hair and more! To the metals… Abbath – Abbath  Genre:...

Funeral Doom Friday

Get to know this Oakland quartet and their highly anticipated sophomore album ahead of its January 15th release!


There's a lot of things you need to know before getting to hit the road, bitter truths that you'll hear, and probably ignore, which...

Funeral Doom Friday

It stands to be the most crushing and mind-numbing album of them all. Who could it be?


Nachtlieder is a one woman black metal band - but unlike Myrkur we're left wanting. Here's why.

Best of 2015

Click through to see Drew's top picks for 2015

Music Videos

Vic Rattlehead is a freedom fighter in this pretty sweet looking animated Megadeth music video. Thank god he helped the band escape whatever prisonthey...