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Open Metacast

After a brief hiatus we decided to make up for it by just blasting your eardrums with non-stop metal music. In that spirit we...

Tour Dates

If you do not think music cannot bring people together, think again. Israeli prog metal masters Orphaned Land have announced a 18-date European tour...


It's been forever since we've done an A/V roundup, but there's so much new music today that we have no choice. Hear killer new...


Newsted is a really real thing. It went from a small project to Jason Newsted's full time gig. He has a big management company...

Latest News

Yesterday, David Draiman tweeted his disdain towards Rolling Stone magazine over the Boston Bomber cover, and we covered the story making a remark about...


Burzum mastermind Varg Vikernes, along with his wife, was arrested on Monday on suspicion of planning terrorist acts in his rural French farm. The...

Latest News

Almost one year ago, I kindly asked all reporters, journalists and bloggers to please leave Vinnie Paul alone about a Pantera reunion, because it would...

Latest News

Phew! With all those band name changes, here's to hoping the record is good! Or at least their live show is, as we've seen...

Upcoming Releases

Do you guys remember that episode of Metalocalypse where the band gets summer colds and it completely fucks their shit up? I thought it...

Upcoming Releases

Guitarist Mike Scaccia might have passed on in late 2012, but not without leaving the world with one more kickass Ministry record!

Music Videos

'For Your Vulgar Delectation' taken from The Manticore and Other Horrors OUT NOW on Peaceville Records. Video directed by Ross Bolidai


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...


As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting Netflix to flip that switch that will give me hours of more Arrested Development. Now mind you, I...


There weren't too many fans of Megadeth's first single off Supercollider. "Kingmaker" makes up for it ten-fold.

Weekly Injection

The metal world has been getting really heavy lately (pun intended, but I'm not proud of it). There has been death, a murder plot,...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Bummer Alert

The metal world is still shocked about the news that broke yesterday that Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed away due to liver...


For all those unaware, Kriss Kross was a rap group in the 90's that made that song "Jump." One of the duo, Chris Kelly,...

Latest News

We have some very sad news to report, Slayer just announced that founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman passed away at 11am this morning in a...

Latest News

After a week of silence, the WEEKLY INJECTION has returned with a shiny new writer. There are a few gems on the list of...

Bummer Alert

This weekend, we reported on the tragic passing of Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who died at the age of 42 after his heart stopped....

Injection Reflection

It's been a dramatic week in heavy metal, what with the news that Jeff Hanneman might not come back to Slayer, Dave Mustaine getting...

Latest News

Clive Burr, who drummed on Iron Maiden's self titled, Killers, live EP Maiden Japan, and Number of the Beast has passed away as of...