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This might be Amazon's biggest hard rock and metal sale yet.

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Around the Interwebs

I tried to sum up "God mode" for those unaware, but Wikipedia put it best by saying it's "a game mechanic or cheat that...

Music Videos

Vista Chino's trippy new video from "Sweet Remain" from their 2013 release Peace. Vista Chino features members of Kyuss and Corrosion of Conformity.

Around the Interwebs

Earlier today, news broke of former South African president and freedom fighter Nelson Mandela passing away due to various health issues at the age...

Latest News

While Stone Sour and Slipknot guitarist Jim Root is taking some time off to work on the new Slipknot record, the two band's frontman...


Today, Man Must Die have released their new record, Peace Was Never An Option via Lifeforce Record. In the event you either missed out...

Weekly Injection

I feel like Andy Rooney or Peter Griffin every time I write one of these intros. I sometimes want so bad to just start...

Fuck Yes!

Amidst some silly death metal drama, We were shocked to report that a fan got his throat slashed at a recent Deicide / Broken...

Weekly Injection

I know that this video is old as fuck, but it was recently reintroduced into my life and I can't stop showing it to...


Evangelist, noun: one who spreads the gospels of Christ far and wide, with the intention of converting as many new acolytes as possible, by...


When the idea of a metal scene is brought up, we hardly think of countries that don't receive big tours or aren't brought up...


Oranssi Pazuzu (Orange Pazuzu, in the Finnish) don’t easily fit into any particular genre, which makes their music hard to describe. Psychedelic? Yes. Bizarre?...

Sick Art

Iced Earth originally started talking about a new album back in August, and turns out they were further along than we originally assumed, because...

Latest News

Here we go again. No matter how much we ask journalists to stop with the Pantera reunion questions, it still comes up. Now it's...


Recently I started reading Henry Rollins' Broken Summers and a sentence struck grossly true for myself: “All too often, contemporary music doesn't give me what...


So I just hit play on the new Man Must Die track, “On The Verge Of Full Collapse” and I am blown away by...

Around the Interwebs

Everyone take a moment of silence to remember Britain's Owen Brown, who passed away at the ripe old age of 87. He was a...

Upcoming Releases

I find it kinda great that I became the most hated writer at METAL INJECTION last week. Who knew so many people remembered The Damned...


If there were ever a documentary that I've been extremely interested in seeing, it's this. There's no way I could possibly summarize what these...

Mustaine Mania

The bromace between your mother's favorite saxophonist, Kenny G, and your conservative father's favorite metal guitarist Dave Mustaine continues. Previously, the Megadeth guitarist said...

Bummer Alert

Late Friday night, we were shocked to report on the passing of founding EYEHATEGOD drummer Joey LaCaze at the age of 42. No further...

Music Videos

Just over a year after Katatonia's Dead End Kings dropped, the band are back in September of 2013 with Dethroned and Uncrowned. If the...