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Latest News

Magic mushrooms are a hell of a drug. They can open your mind to amazing visuals and incredible self-realizations. They can also freak you...


We've been covering this drama within the Slipknot camp ever since the tragic passing of Paul Gray. The jist is some members of the band...


Think of the new Megadeth album like this: take Endgame and add a large dose of Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction, then mix it...

Breakups & Shakeups

Stop me if you've heard this before. Every Time I Die's bassist is no longer in the band. Bassist Josh Newton has left the...


While it may not officially be autumn, it's cold as fuck in New York City, relatively speaking of course. So I deem summer over....


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Bummer Alert

Oh, dear. You might recall, a few weeks ago former Queens of the Stone Age bassist Nick Oliveri was caught in a four hour...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...

Fuck Yes!

When I saw Burnt By The Sun at what was billed as their "only" US reunion show in 2009 (our footage here), I was...

Upcoming Releases

We all collectively fapped last week when the new Gojira track leaked that featured Devin Townsend and Fredrik Thordendal and now there is even...

Latest News

Well, the Big 4 totally happened. We weren't there, but from all the tweets we saw over the weekend, it looked like it was...

Latest News

For the first time in history, the entire "Big 4," Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth are sharing the same bill. The bands have shared...

Bummer Alert

It seems with all this talk about Kurt Cobain today (much like it did 17 years ago), it pretty much over shadowed most other...

Black Metal History

by James Zalucky Faded am I, behind a wall of consciousness Still feeling a different world Surrounding me Chilling voices fill my head- I...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few days ago Mike Portnoy formally announced he has fulfilled his agreement with Avenged Sevenfold and will no longer be with the band....

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...


By Ben Apatoff Any metalhead with a computer knows by now that JUDAS PRIEST are planning their final tour. Of course these things are...

Guessing Game

First off, we would like to congratulate MI junkies SOADude666, dranged1, Xterminator, and Rational Gaze for correctly answering last time's Guessing Game. To reveal...

Show Recap

by Cary Gordon Last night at the Verizon Theater in downtown Houston, metal rained down on a crowded amphitheater full of eager and head...


Above is your first taste of Rust In Peace Live, the new live DVD from Megadeth documenting the band performing their landmark album from...

Upcoming Releases

By Nina Saeidi Children of Bodom have announced they are entering the Finnish depths of Petrax Studio's to begin recording their seventh studio album....

Video Games

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock is expected to be released September 28th, and with that, lots of details are surfacing. For one, the makers...


Chuck Billy and Eric Peterson of Testament recently chatted with us on their Lowell, MA stop of the American Carnage tour with Megadeth and...