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Search results for "mayhem"


We've been through this before haven't we? Ever since Slipknot wrapped up touring on Mayhem Fest last year, the big question was when will...

At The Movies

Did you know Rob Zombie's new movie, The Lords of Salem has been out for a month now? Chances are you didn't, or perhaps...


Whoa, Huntress just got a huge seal of approval from a Golden God of heavy metal. The band, who is working on a new album...


When Five Finger Death Punch brought up legendary Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford out to perform a new track at the Golden Gods a...

Metal Crimes

This all sounds like a Friday night movie, but it is very real. As I Lay Dying and Austrian Death Machine frontman Tim Lambesis...


In the 80s, metal feuds started on the Sunset Strip, today on Facebook. Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody posted this on his...

Upcoming Releases

One thing is on everyone's mind for the next Mastodon record, and that's where the hell they're going to go next in terms of...

Verbal Diarrhea

Emmure's Frankie Palmeri has carved quite the reputation for himself. When bands aren't drawing dicks over his graffitti, or when he's not sending tweets...


Children of Bodom are in full promo-mode for their upcoming album, Halo of Blood. Alexi Laiho was out partying at the Revolver Golden Gods...

Latest News

Machine Head have been looking for a bassist for a little while now, and even had some big names like Christian Olde Wolbers formerly...

Fuck Yes!

Behemoth isn't just working on a new album, the Polish metal masters are collaborating with Game Over Cycles on a custom built motorcycle that...

At The Movies

You may not have realized this, but Rob Zombie's new horror film, The Lords of Salem came out this past weekend. How do I...

Tour Dates

Rockstar Uproar Fest, the more-mainstream friendly cousin of the Mayhem Festival has just announced it's lineup, and all you need to know is that...

Injection Reflection

This was a rather eventful week in heavy metal and the world as a whole. We kicked it off with a huge bummer with...

Upcoming Releases

Behemoth have issued a new update from the studio. Their new album is nearing completion as they gear up for this summer's Mayhem Fest.

Fuck Yes!

I just got way more excited for the new album from Battlecross, the band have announced they have recruited former the Black Dahlia Murder drummer Shannon Lucas...


Ever wanted to just rip your shirt off and fight some gods? Well, we're all too human for that crap. The closest we're going...

Fuck Yes!

About two years ago now, word spread of a new metal supergroup forming featuring Killswtich Engage's guitarist Adam D., Cannibal Corpse vocalist, George "Corpsegrinder"...

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...


I, personally, have never gotten into Asking Alexandria. I've met two of the dudes in the band, frontman Danny Worsnop and guitarist Ben Bruce,...


Behemoth are in the studio right now working on their long-anticipated new album. Nergal found some time to put down the guitars and say...

Latest News

Machine Head parted ways with longtime bassist Adam Duece and it wasn't pretty. But, with a big national tour on the horizon this summer,...

Latest News

Born of Osiris are all geared up to deliver their next masterpiece and give us a vague idea of when it'll be out.