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Latest News

I was really looking forward to seeing High On Fire at this year's Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, but the band dropped off due...

Upcoming Releases

We've been keeping up with the new Slayer album progress as much as possible. We even broke the news that the band is hoping...

Tour Dates

What do you get when you transform a festival ground with a few stages, invite Shinedown, Godsmack, Staind, Papa Roach, Adelitas Way, P.O.D., Deuce,...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot have a busy summer ahead of them. After a good while of inactivity, it looks like we'll be seeing a lot of the...

RIP a Livecast

MAYHEM MONTH continues on the Livecast this week as we have a member of Whitechapel, drummer Ben Harclerode called into the show, and who...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Show Recap

Our intrepid photographer Aline Cote-Miladinovich attended Inferno Festival in Oslo, Norway in April and filed this report, along with a massive photo gallery of...

RIP a Livecast

This week, we kicked off Mayhem Month, a month where each week we have a guest from a band playing this summer's biggest festival...

Upcoming Releases

Corey Taylor, a man who two years ago said it's too soon to talk about Slipknot recording, is now finally at the point where...

Injection Reflection

We're about to start a three day weekend… which means we're taking Monday off. But that DOESN'T mean that we're taking Sunday off. There...

Latest News

That's right folks, two years! Time definitely flies, and this time it's sad to think that it's been two years since the tragic passing...

Upcoming Releases

Shh. Listen! Somewhere, right at this moment, in California… Tom Araya is screaming his throat out into a mic in preparation for an upcoming...

Injection Reflection

Well, it's Friday, and while the internet is collectively bummed at the loss of Beastie Boy Adam "MCA" Yauch, there was a ton of...

Upcoming Releases

One of the biggest questions in metal right now is when is Slipknot going to put out new material. We know it will happen....

Tour Dates

Summer seems ripe for touring, and there will be plenty of it. When it comes to metal tours, we already have Mayhem Festival, Summer...

Bummer Alert

Finally, an excuse to use my amazing Jeff Hanneman spider bite photoshop again! You may recall that last year, the Slayer guitarist suffered a...

Tour Dates

Rockstar Energy Uproar Festival is like Mayhem Fest's more mainstream brother, featuring radio-friendly rock bands that some of you might be excited about. For...


Whitechapel have kept a relatively low profile to kick off 2012. Sure, they have announced Recorruptour and will be spending the summer on Mayhem...

Tour Dates

It's official. After rumors of such spreading last week, we can confirm that Trespass America is this summer's new big attraction. Presented by Metal...


We will be uploading a ton of videos over the course of the next few weeks that we shot at South By Southwest a...

Upcoming Releases

I love the internet because it allows me to keep up with bands every step of the way. Take for example Slayer, um, sorry…SLAAAAYYYYYEEEEERRRRRR....

Upcoming Releases

My appreciation for Hatebreed reached new heights on the Mayhem Festival in 2010, when they were seemingly the only band that got my head...

Upcoming Releases

While Slipknot is still having problems trying to figure out what they're doing for their new record, Corey Taylor and Jim Root's other band,...