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This past Friday, November 15th – Dethklok reemerged from their cocoon to headline the second Adult Swim Festival. Brendon Small was there, and drummer...

Gear Gods

DRUMCEPTION 2019 is officially here, and it’s not too late to enter! Write a song using the provided Toontrack drum track here, and submit...

Injection Reflection

November is half over! Where does the time go? Here's what you missed this week: Watch: MARILYN MANSON Arrives To Hip-Hop Festival & Fans...

Tour Dates

Down haven't played together since 2016, but it looks like that's changing in 2020. The band have been announced for two festivals so far...

Tour Dates

Full Of Hell guitarist Spencer Hazard's new band Eye Flys too.


Teutonic thrash titans Sodom aren't the type to keep fans waiting. The German legends are set to release their second EP of new material...

Full Album Stream

El Drugstore is a instrumental technical metal act from New Jersey and fans have been waiting for a new album from the trio for...

Bummer Alert

Abbath cites "health issues that need to be treated" as the reason.


Spanning the songs "Lay Your Head to Rest" and "The Silent Man."

Live Footage

1983. The year Ozzy Osbourne releases his third solo album Bark At The Moon, and the fourth year of his solo career after being...

Breakups & Shakeups

At least we got one great record from Khôrada.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. CLERIC – All Death Unseeing Another reason not...

Extreme of the Extreme

A few weeks back we debuted the new single, "Primordial Life", from French band Nox Irae. This time around, Nox Irae are happy to...

Latest News

"I’m grateful that anybody liked any moment of Machine Head."

New Music

Properly titled Haelegen Above Quality And Quantity.


If you like brutal death metal and slam, but like the idea of adding tasteful breakdowns and squeals into the mix, you cannot go...

Full Album Stream

Portland, Oregon's At the Heart of the World billows beneath the surface—a machination of industrial, darkwave, and death. The Oregonian duo has been churning away...

RIP a Livecast

On this week's episode, we were joined by Stray From the Path guitarist Tom Williams. We talk about band's recently released new album, Internal...

Upcoming Releases

"But next year, we plan to get serious about new music and hopefully record a new album."