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Search results for "trust"


Locrian's Return to Annihilation is a strange record that will grow on you until you're pretty much dependent on it's strange, misty drone. Trust me.

Upcoming Releases

Fleshgod Apocalypse plan on releasing another sonic assault on us all come the next few months. Are you ready for that kind of orchestral madness?


Darkane have been hyping their new album The Sinister Supremacy pretty heavily lately… and so have we. So here's a new single!


Didn't see that coming! Darkest Hour have signed with Sumerian Records! Now they've got them, Dillinger Escape Plan… are Sumerian becoming the next powerhouse?


Supergroup Palms (Deftones, Isis) have yet another song online! At this rate you'll be able to hear the whole damn album before it comes out.

Shocking Revelations

We've had a lot of fun at the expense of Lulu, the collaboration between legendary musician Lou Reed and Metallica, and it was widely...

Latest News

Bruce Dickinson is the legendary frontman of Iron Maiden, an exceptional pilot, a doctor and now a bicyclist for charity. Is there anything Dickinson...

Open Metacast

There's an old saying in electronics that refers to releasing the magic smoke whenever you do something to fry a piece of hardware. Well,...


Some fan straight up knocked Jason Newsted off the stage during his cover of "Whiplash" because stage diving is super cool.


Everyone has that band that got them into music, or into a genre. And no matter how mediocre or revolutionary that band is, you'll...

Latest News

I realize now that there's no way I can word the headline so that you'll believe me. Just trust me and make the jump...


Are you ready to dive into the depths of The Ocean? Pelagial might be streaming instrumentally, but that certainly doesn't equate to less kickassery.

Breakups & Shakeups

It's been a tumultuous year for Baroness. The band was now infamously part of a massive bus wreck while touring England last summer, and...

Latest News

So there's this Canadian rock and metal festival happening in June called Amnesia Rockfest. I'm not sure what the details are because the site...


Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....

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The nine-month trial of Randy Blythe is over, but the loss of a fan, of a human life will last forever. That is the...

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If you saw Phil Anselmo in the early '00s with the grossly underrated Superjoint Ritual, it was not a pretty sight. The guy was...

Music Videos

Metal Injection has the exclusive premiere of the new video from Drowning Pool, video directed by Matt Cooper. This video proves that women should...

Music Videos

From the album Die Miserable. Visit the band's BandCamp page to stream, download, or purchase physical copies of the album. Video directed by David Hall of Handshake...

Latest News

Randy Blythe is currently on trial in the Czech Republic on charges of manslaughter stemming from a 2010 concert in Prague. You can read...

Latest News

Late last week, I headed to the NAMM convention in Aneheim. It was great catching up with some friends, and not so great walking...


This is not a fun story to write about. Gaza frontman Jon Parkin has been accused of  raping a woman. 

Show Recap

One of the valuable lessons you’d hope one might learn by traveling frequently is “never trust the weather” – especially in a climate so...