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FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE Detail Upcoming Labyrinth Album

Fleshgod Apocalypse plan on releasing another sonic assault on us all come the next few months. Are you ready for that kind of orchestral madness?

Labyrinth will see a release on August 20 in America (and August 16 everywhere else. You bastards) via Nuclear Blast. Guitarist and vocalist Tommaso Riccardi said about the album via a quote obtained by MetalSucks:

The concept of this album is based on the myth of the Labyrinth of Knossos and every character related to it. We focused on the philological aspect in order to represent all the elements of the classic world and, through a manic and meticolous research, we managed to create a  metaphor with our times, as the maze can be associated with the endless search for what we really are.

Even drummer/fucking mutant Francesco Paoli said on the band's Facebook page:

Labyrinth is going to be THE album for FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE. It's the perfect combination of all our strong points with the best production we've ever had. It's definitely the most FLESHGOD thing we've ever thought with the most FLESHGOD riffs, lyrics, melodies, drum parts, solos, etc…We went deep inside the core of this music, we broke it, and we finally unleashed these eleven songs. I want to be honest, it needed so much work and time to come up with this but now I'm like, ‘ok next time will be tough to reach this point!’ Honesty and quality pay, always, and all of you guys supporting the band DESERVE THE BEST. You might think that I’m overrating it just because it's our ‘child’ but, trust me, this album is fuckin' dangerous. Just take your time, listen to it and get lost into the Labyrinth.

I'm excited beyond all reasonable belief for this. The jump in sound between their Mafia EP in 2009 and the Agony full length in 2011 was absolutely astounding to say the least, so where the band will go on the next record is way beyond me. I'm hoping for a little less speed on this one and a whole lot more compositional stuff, since that was the best part of the last record… not saying they should cut out the whole "breaking the sound barrier" thing. Since that rules and all. Anyway, here's the track list too:

1. Kingborn
2. Minotaur (The Wrath of Poseidon)
3. Elegy
4. Towards the Sun
5. Warpledge
6. Pathfinder
7. The Fall of Asterion
8. Prologue
9. Epilogue
10. Under Black Sails
11. Labyrinth

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