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It was today, December 9, ten years ago, when most of us heard the horrific news: legendary Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott had been...

Weekly Injection

Morning y'all. This week's edition features Bloodbath and some other stuff. To the metals…


Who is the most metal footbol player?

Live Footage

Dave Mustaine raved about the crowd and he was right. This is a hungry crowd ready for Megadeth. Here is the setlist: 01. Hangar...

Latest News

It turns out that Donald Tardy, the drummer for pioneering death metal band Obituary, runs a unique charity with his wife when he's not out laying...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....

Music Videos

From their new album Last Patrol out October 15th on Napalm Records. Directed by Tom Scharpling.


Masters of everything fuzzy and doom-related, Monster Magnet are streaming another single off their upcoming Last Patrol record and have announced some pretty killer companions...

Shocking Revelations

Modern Life Is War released Fever Hunting, their first record in five years this year, which generally makes for a good year. What doesn't make...


So apparently three years of a hiatus is long enough for Monster Magnet, and they've decided to get all the good news out all...

Weekly Injection

The metal world has been getting really heavy lately (pun intended, but I'm not proud of it). There has been death, a murder plot,...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


Welcome kiddies to episode 130 of MSRcast. We have been bringing the metal for a long time, and we are bringing you a splatterfest...


Dave Mustaine was the talk of the town last week, after saying that Barack Obama staged the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado amongst other...

Juggalo Times

Hey, remember when the FBI put out a report saying that juggalos are a gang, and a threat, thus they are watching them closely?...


Former Exodus vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza recently sat for a chat with Metal Messiah Radio in which he was asked whether he'd ever consider...

Upcoming Releases

By: Navjot Kaur Sobti 41 years down the line from their UK-based birth, Judas Priest is still screaming for vengeance and committing sin after...

Revelations of Doom

Hey kids! Grim Kim has returned to darken your shores once again (i.e. I probably would've gotten kicked out if I'd stayed in the...

Latest News

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE was scheduled to make their first performance in Minnesota since their hiatus tonight at the Target Center, but they surprised...

Latest News

Setlists for the first stop of the Metal Masters Tour (featuring JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN AND HELL, MOTORHEAD and TESTAMENT) have made their way online,...


Death - The Philosopher Lillian Axe - Waters Rising The Cursed - Evil In The Bag Quiet Riot - Voodoo Brew (R.I.P. Kevin Dubrow)...

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