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Shocking Revelations

MODERN LIFE IS WAR Drummer Instigates Police Chase, Ends Up Tased And Arrested

Modern Life Is War released Fever Hunting, their first record in five years this year, which generally makes for a good year. What doesn't make for a good year is drummer Tyler Oleson getting tasered and arrested after a car chase this weekend in Marshalltown, IA.

According to the Demoines Register, Oleson was driving alongside a patrol car (driven by Sergeant Melind Ruopp) and "basically flipped her off." With…his middle finger?! Anyway, the cop ignores him because why even bother with someone like that, right? Then things get serious and Oleson tries to run the cop off the roadm, for no apparent reason in the story. The report continues:

"When the officer got behind Oleson to stop him, Oleson slammed on the brakes in front of the officer, who avoided a collision. Oleson then took off, starting the short car chase around 9:20 p.m.

A few minutes later, Oleson stopped and tried to back up into a squad car, but missed. He then slammed on his brakes again in front of another squad car, which struck the back of Oleson’s car, Ruopp said… Oleson then got out of the car and took off by foot. Officers chased him and used a taser to get him into custody."

What the hell are you doing, Tyler? Coming into this I expected him to have done something atrocious to begin with and then getting tased, but just acting like a douche to the law and then trying to run?

The report says he "was initially charged with alluding criminal mischief in the second degree for intentionally slamming is his brakes; aggravated assault for trying to run an officer off the road; and OWI first offense." There's an ongoing investigation in the case and more charges might be filed. Modern Life Is War posted the following on their Facebook about the incident:

"Some of you may have heard news today regarding a member of our band today. Bottom line is that he is our friend first and foremost and we will support him. Our upcoming shows will happen as planned unless you hear otherwise from us."

[via Lambgoat]

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