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"There’s nothing worse than when someone comes into your presence and tries to change you."


Metalheads quite literally play a serious part in running the world.

Upcoming Releases

“We're getting that hunger and the ideas are starting to come out”

Weekly Injection

Plus releases From Urne, Werewolves, Neal Morse, and Hemina

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"For as young as we were, we all had a collective vision and we knew exactly what we wanted."

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"This is one of the problems with social media. Now artists aren't regarded as people anymore."

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"I would say we're probably better off now than we've been for a long time."

Show Recap

Not even the elements could rain on this heavily-inked parade.

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Just checking. He might've mentioned it once or twice, but I can't remember.

Metal Merch

Featuring interviews with members of Megadeth, Carcass, The Black Dahlia Murder, Anthrax, and more!

Mashups & Covers

Yup, it's Bradley. The dude responsible for fake Megadeth.

Versiones Y Remezclas

Sí, es Bradley. El tipo responsable de su versión propia de un álbum de Megadeth