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Search results for "OLD"

Music Videos

Megadeth bassist David Ellefson has just released his new solo track "Sleeping Giants" with quite the band surrounding him. Ellefson has recruited Run-DMC vocalist...

New Music

It's a mathy, old-school-metalcore, maybe-a-little-MySpace-core track.

Upcoming Releases

It's "the biggest production and musical departure we've done."

Shocking Revelations

It always sort of irks me when an artist knocks one of their releases. It just feels like the artist would end up insulting...

Fuck Yes!

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl continues being  the coolest motherfucker in music. The band performed at Reading Festival in England this weekend and Dave...

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with meth.'s Mother of Red Light.

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

Music Videos

Toothgrinder is back with a new record titled I Am and the title track to it alongside a new music. However, that's only part...


Will we ever hear new Necrophagist?

Latest News

This is what Corey Taylor thinks about going solo.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases includes a long-awaited return (No, it's Not Tool time yet dorks), chunky breakdowns, sonic immersion, and more! To...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Music Videos

Dream Theater will soon hit the road to play their 1999 classic Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory in full alongside some select...

Bummer Alert

We're all pulling for the Prince of Darkness.

Celebrity Metalheads

Seeing a lot of headlines like "Keith Urban attends Iron Maiden show with his wife, Nicole Kidman." I'm not trying to virtue signal or...

The Wednesday Sludge

Nic Huber occasionally dissects the heavy riffs of bands — new and old — in The Wednesday Sludge. This week, the focus is on...


Socially conscious in a decade known for excess and decadence, the band held a mirror up to the darker side of the American dream....

Metal Crimes

A man accused of sexually assaulting a woman during a August 16th Korn concert in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio has turned himself in, according to...