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Celebrity Metalheads

Nicole Kidman Attended An IRON MAIDEN Show with Her Husband, Keith Urban

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Seeing a lot of headlines like "Keith Urban attends Iron Maiden show with his wife, Nicole Kidman." I'm not trying to virtue signal or anything, but Nicole Kidman is 1000x a bigger star than Urban, right? To be fair, it was indeed Urban who posted the above photo and he seems to be a pretty die-hard Maiden fan.

Anyway, the couple were on hand at the Iron Maiden gig in Nashville, TN this past Monday, according to a post on Urban's Instagram. They managed to get a moment with the band and posed for a photo. Urban was nothing but complementive of the band.

"To the entire @ironmaiden team- where do i begin?……. You were ALL beyond hospitable- and quite honestly it was a surreal dream come true for me (us) to meet you guys- AND then when u hit the stage….???- HOLY SHIT…… I told Nic “you wanna see THE MASTERS?- here they are”… and you delivered a fucking ATOMIC EXPLOSION of EVERYTHING that makes you THE GREATEST. The playing- the arrangements- the set list- the sound, the lighting- EDDY!!!!- and BRUUUUUUUUCE- good God man- you’re super human. ALL HAIL THE MATCHLESS, THE PEERLESS IRON MAIDEN. – KU"

Urban is a known big Maiden fan, saying in a Twitter Q&A a few years ago that the Iron Maiden concert he saw when he was 15 was the most memorable concert he had ever been to. "I slept out overnight to be first in line to rush to the front of the stage. It was awesome."

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