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Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Charlie Griffiths, High Castle Teleorkestra, Inexorum, Nova Twins, Seven Kingdoms, and Tombs.


Love or loathe ‘em, Kiss have achieved the career longevity that almost every other musical act in existence would kill for. There would be...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Bodysnatcher, Caliban, Dorothy, Huntsmen, Jazz Sabbath, and a rare Saturday release from Kirk Hammett.


Featuring Ajattara, Sentenced, Behexen, and more!

Upcoming Releases

Featuring early cuts from Metallica, Ratt, Cirith Ungol, and more.


In 2021, Mayhem was inducted into Norway’s Rockheim Hall of Fame with the crossover artist Casino Steel and the pop/ska duo The Monroes. Rockheim is a national museum, which is located in...

Best of 2021

Norwegian black metal, or “norsk svartmetall,” is the ultimate reason for existence. Every time a new black metal single drops from Norway, “suddenly life...


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...

Shocking Revelations

Gibson TV is set to release another episode of its excellent series Icons (the Jerry Cantrell episode is a must-watch, and the Kirk Hammett...

Around the Interwebs

Not even a pandemic can stop metlaheads from dressing up for Halloween.


Right now — RIGHT NOW!! — the folks at DeepDiscount.com have over 10,000 rock and metal CDs on sale for as low as $3.99! This...


Reach for the Sky is only the band’s second full-length of their 20+ year history, but we're pleased to announce it's quite good.


Before Ghost's Tobias Forge got on a plane to show up to the GRAMMYs to look dapper as fuqq, he and his band recorded...

Black Friday

Though the moniker is new, the mind behind Herzegovinian has skulked through the depths of extreme metal for over two decades. Tician, as he goes by,...

Weekly Injection

This week features djentiness with beeps and boops, djentiness without beeps and boops, and more (without beeps and boops)! To the metals...


10 extra spoopy cuts to creep up your Halloween.