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"You will be, like, 'Okay, what the fuck is going on here?'"


It's the beginning of the end for Slayer. This Spring, the band is set to embark on their final North American tour. After 37...

Show Recap

Slayer have embarked on their *gasp* FINAL North American headlining tour. Yes, the icons, the legends, the masters of thrash metal are wrapping up...

Injection Reflection

Just a reminder that it's Mother's Day this weekend, so make sure to get your mom some King Diamond vinyl or something.

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"We want to release a new album in 2019, so we need to get started soon."


A stacked lineup for Europe as well.

Shocking Revelations

He couldn't deny the raw power of "Angel of Death."

Gear Gods

I'm ready for the Infinity War now!


But he asks you kindly not to leave him a voicemail.

Upcoming Releases

Taylor and Crahan are such teases.

br00tal Comedy

Plus a new song! Just kidding. That'll never happen.

Upcoming Releases

Taylor doesn't want to make any promises he can't keep.

New Music

Well here's a portion of the announcement, and it RULES!