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CANNIBAL CORPSE have had live footage performing the song “Make The Suffer”, Saturday, August 25th in Lima, Peru at YouTube.


> LIFERUINER have scheduled some time in November to record a new album with Antoine Lussier of ION DISSONANCE. A record label signing announcement...


It’s funny what goes on at Wikipedia. Sometimes I don’t think that the article neutrality header comes up often enough. I tried looking up...


I’ve always found it a little sad that DARK FUNERAL have put all their energy into the “all fast songs all the time” routine....

Latest News

> EYEHATEGOD have cancelled the following shows: September 27 – Renaissance Club – Lafayette, LA September 28 – Emo’s – Austin, TX September 29...


CHIMAIRA have posted live footage performing the song “Resurrection” at this years Sounds Of The Underground tour, with Beefcake of GWAR playing bass, at...


FPE-TV has posted footage of Dino Cazares (DIVINE HERESY, ex-FEAR FACTORY ) demonstrating the guitar portion of some of the songs on his bands...

Tour Dates

“The Black Crusade” tour, featuring MACHINE HEAD, TRIVIUM, DRAGONFORCE, SHADOWS FALL, and ARCH ENEMY have added some more dates to the tour: November 16...

Tour Dates

LOOK WHAT I DID and LYE BYE MISTAKE have lined up the following tour, with more tour dates expected: November 2 – Thomasville, NC...

Tour Dates

NACHTMYSTIUM and SKELETONWITCH have set up the “From The Gutter” west coast tour: September 01 – El Corazon – Seattle, WA Sep September  02...

Tour Dates

CONVERGE, 108 and INTERNAL AFFAIRS have set up the following West coast tour: October 18 – Oakland, CA @ The Oakland Metro October 19...


> VICIOUS ART (DARK FUNERAL, ENTOMBED, GRAVE, THE PROJECT HATE) have set November 13th as the release date in Scandinavia for their full-length album,...


Has anyone noticed the large amount of so-called “experimental” or “art” style bands in the world of metalcore that draw heavily from their peers?...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Hey, it’s me G. Dubs, low end of the prog rock tri the Red Chord. You asked advice/stupid questions about my band and I...

Latest News

Vader have announced that their upcoming DVD, “And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw”, will be released in October via Metal Mind Productions. You can...

Tour Dates

DOWN likes to keep people right up to the minute with those upcoming North American tour dates: September 27 – Reno, NV @ Stoney’s...

Latest News

> Danish metal band ILLDISPOSED have signed a deal with AFM Records, with a new release scheduled for March 28th 2008. > USURPER will...


Norwegian thrash band HARM have announced that Frank Ørland has joined the group as a guitarist. You can also view the video to the...


Good old stoner rock. And yeah, it’s stoner rock, because I wouldn’t say it’s heavy enough to be stoner metal. The fuzz just isn’t...

Latest News

> MACHINE HEAD have announced that bass player Adam Duce has broken his leg while dirtbiking, and will be unable to play bass on...


ZONARIA have posted a video for the song “The Armageddon Anthem” at YouTube. The song comes from the bands upcoming album, “Infamy And The...

Tour Dates

JESU has planned out the following North American tour: October 6 – Tempe, AZ @ The Sets with Wolves In The Throne Room October...


> Springfield, Massachusetts metalcore band OUR DARKEST DAYS has signed a deal with Redemptive Records to have a seven-song EP released in Spring 2008....