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Tour Dates

Asking Alexandria are going to head out on tour the same day their new album From Death To Destiny comes out. Will you be...

Upcoming Releases

I am getting a bit anxious to hear new Satyricon. The band have completed a new record, which will be titled… Satyricon. Today, the...

Bummer Alert

Boo! Any chance of hearing new Mastodon music this summer has officially been thrown out the window. First, we learned that the band is only...


Children of Bodom have never taken themselves all that seriously. For a band that is probably known to more random Youtubers for their novelty cover...


In the last few years Jørgen Munkeby has become a much sought after saxophonist in the metal world. He has worked with Enslaved, Ihsahn, and...

Latest News

So Tuomas Holopainen, the primary songwriter and keyboardist for Nightwish, is writing an album's worth of music based on a Disney comic book called "The Life...

Upcoming Releases

It seems like Baroness have been through hell and back over the course of the last year, but never once showed signs of stopping...

Latest News

Kind of. When I say "Gaza members reunite," I basically mean "Gaza gets a new singer and changes their name to Cult Leader." This...

Tim Lambesis Trial

It's been over a week since the shocking arrest of As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis, for allegedly attempting to hire a hitman to murder...

Shocking Revelations

Talk about terrible coincidences… Dave Lombardo is currently in Israel with his project Philm, and was being interviewed by KZRadio the day before his...


We got a brief glimpse of the new Guns N Roses 3D movie being released this summer in January, and now a full trailer...

It's Just Business

File sharing and "illegal downloading" are very touchy subjects. Some musicians are not really into it (see: Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato, Yngwie Malmsteen)...

Latest News

Yesterday, an interview with Exodus guitarist Gary Holt surfaced where he said he would absolutely not leave Exodus, and then shortly after Exodus announced...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Latest News

Megadeth are on the way to super collide into your ears with some tasty jams.


Trent Reznor never really struck me as a funny guy, mainly because I just picture him sitting behind a bank of computers 24/7 making...

Black Metal History

Following my post on the origins of 25 Heavy Metal Stage Names, I thought what better sub-genre to focus the next iteration of the...


Yesterday, everybody was shocked when Dave Lombardo announced he was sitting out the band's current Australian tour, bringing the count of original members on...

Sick Art

If you're looking at this post on the main page, click through for an animated look at the new Ghost artwork. 

Bummer Alert

Huhuh, I said Tool member… When we posted the story yesterday about Tool guitarist Adam Jones proposing to his new fiance at the WWE...

Around the Interwebs

Want to make your guitar playing even more metal?  Etsy artist duo Dustin and Stephanie are selling guitar picks made from old coins of...

Latest News

Just as we were saying that Anthrax are not looking to audition anybody for their newly open lead guitarist spot, after Rob Caggiano announced...

Tour Dates

Here is tour announcement #2 of 3, this one for the metalcore fans. Two standouts from this summer's Mayhem Festival are teaming up for...