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It's Just Business

DEFTONES Guitarist Is Fine With Fans Downloading His Music Illegally

File sharing and "illegal downloading" are very touchy subjects. Some musicians are not really into it (see: Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato, Yngwie Malmsteen) while some don't mind (Ulver, Lamb of God bassist John Campbell).

Recently, Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter was asked about downloading and the dude is fine with it.

In a new interview with Loud Guitars, Carpenter made his feelings known on people downloading his music for free:

“….I say hallelujah to them. You know, I say it for only one reason, the truth is people who download your music are your fans. Or people who are potentially going to become your fans. And if you’re going to be upset that someone is interested, or becoming interested in your stuff, then what’s the point. What are you doing?

If it’s all about money then certainly you’re going to be offended. But if your actual intent is to enjoy what you’re doing and have others enjoying it, then it should be a no brainer. I welcome all people to download the music. They won’t be the first, they won’t be the last, and for anyone to fight that… it’s futile.”

You can watch the full interview here.

Ultimately, there are two sides of the coin. Some artists are happy you check their music out, while others hope that if you truly enjoy the art, you'll go out and support the band (see: Suffocation).

[via ThePRP]

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